Toddler STory Yoga
Studio classes take place in our purpose built Baby Massage & Yoga studio in Hemel Hempsted.
Home call outs for courses, workshops and consultancy sessions are available for Hemel Hempsted and the surrounding areas.
To find out about GIFT CERTIFICATES click here.
check out the latest workshop events.
Blooming Mamas
Blooming Mama 2 week course for pregnant mamas.
You will explore:
♡ Newborn baby massage
♡ Newborn baby yoga
♡ Preparing for your baby's arrival
♡ 4th trimester & bonding with your baby
♡ Relaxation techniques
Learning these techniques can:
☆ Aid babies with colic, wind & constipation
☆ Help relax baby during the 4th trimester
☆ Relax and boost Parents confidence
Classes are held in the calming surroundings of the Little Lotus Baby studio in Hemel.
You will receive an info pack at the end of the course via email.
Baby Massage
2 week full body course including baby facial and baby reflexology.£30 (Wednesdays or Fridays)
Baby Yoga
4 week course (Wednesdays or Fridays)
Baby YOGI+
Due to the success & popularity of the Little Lotus Baby Yoga course I have created some extension courses. This means that Parents and babies can return to the studio and explore further Yoga & Massage combinations to aid their babies development, parent/baby bonding & relaxation.
Find out more......
Little Lotus Tots
This workshop has been designed to follow on from Baby Massage and Baby Yoga, helping parents to navigate through their baby's transitional periods with confidence.
Massage & Yoga are rich in benefits for both babies and parents and so it is important to explore, adapt and learn ways to continue the practise of these holistic therapies and activities from baby to tot and beyond.
Within a session we will cover the same topics each week. However within these topics we shall be learning new content. For example each week we shall explore a new massage techniques and learn about its benefits and reasons behind the use of the set strokes.
To help keep the Tots interested and engaged the Massage & Yoga is explored through story, music & sensory relaxation.
Soothe, settle & sleep support
This is a great course for both Expectant parents and those that are living and breathing the new parent life.
Weekends & evening consultations available upon request.
This Program doesn’t involve having to buy expensive equipment, toys and stimulation devices, instead it will give you the skills to help you relax your child for life. To find out more click on the PDF link.
Tiny Tummy SOS Workshop
If your baby is suffering with colic, wind &/or constipation this is a great workshop for you to explore. You will learn Massage & Yoga routines to help ease your baby's discomfort.
Reflux Relaxation Workshop
If your baby is suffering with Reflux or Silent reflux then I know you are probably feeling tired & concerned for your little one. I have been on this journey with my son & if you pop over to the blog section of the website you will find some posts that you may find helpful.......
The workshop is aimed at using specific massage strokes and Yoga routines to help soothe & relax your baby. This session will also explore bonding and re-connecting with your baby after bouts of reflux (which can be very stressful for parent ans baby). Please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Pre School Yoga
Little Lotus Baby Studio is perfect for Baby & Tots (babies on the move) Yoga. But It is not really big enough for a vibrant class of Pre Schoolers. With this in mind and after the success of the Toddler Yoga taught at the Summer Festival 'Into The Wild' I have been planning......
I am developing a whole course/class for Pre School Toddler Yoga and I will be hosting a Workshop at SPORTS SPACE BERKHAMSTED in February half term! There will be limited tickets so get in contact if you are interested.
Courses are also available as;
Saturday morning sessions
Group 'friend' sessions in your home
Gift vouchers
Daddy groups
To inquire or book onto a course please contact me via:
E: littlelotusbaby@hotmail.com
T: 07581258691
FB: @thelittlelotusbaby
INSTAGRAM: @thelittlelotusbaby