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Passing the course

There are no militant exams to sit. Instead we ask you to journey through the course to digest the learning, enjoy the content and feel inspired. Below are the specifics.....

Hands Pattern

The 3 areas 

You will be asked to answer the questions at the end of the modules, record yourself exploring a story asana and create a class plan.

Answering the questions

The questions are based around the content of each module and are there to simply check that you have read and understood the learning within. You simply email me your answers and I will come back to you with any feedback that could add value to your learning. If there is a concern over an answer I will ask you to revisit it and explain why. 

Your Story Yoga Video

Just a short and simply story yoga video no more that 15min. You can upload it to utube or your choice of app and send me the link. I am your cheer leader so I am not here to critique your hard work. I will lift you up on your fantastic qualities and I will boost you with guidance on any areas that be further explored. 

This is also great for you to watch back and think about how YOU might like to enhance your teaching.

Lesson Plan

There is a template that you can use or you can create your own. You simply use all that you have learnt to create a lesson and send that into me. Just as in all the other assessment areas I will offer praise and kind uplifting feedback. This is all about enhancing you!


Once you have submitted and received feedback on all these areas and we have awarded you a pass on each of the steps (questions, video and plan) you will receive a certificate from Blossom and Berry. 

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