Baby Yoga Asana of The Month - January
Baby Yoga Asana of The Month
January: Sitting Balance To SeeSaw......
I have chosen a Baby Yoga balance for January as it is often at this time of year that we look for balance in our lifes as we seek to improve and progress for the new year ahead. Get in the habit of exploring this Baby Yoga Asana will benefit your baby in so many wonderful ways as well as bringing balance to play exploration.
Why Practice this Asana? This is a really really important Baby Yoga Asana!! Ther are so many fantastic resources and toys to help babies to develop in all areas. However like everything in life we need to make sure that with each activity there is balance. Take for instance the marvellous springy door frame bouncers or jumparoos that infants have so much giggle time exploring . These are great and I was lucky enough to have one for Ren . BUT they can encourage babies to stand and walk on tip toes which is not ideal. Rather than discourage all the fun of a jumparoo you can counter balance the tip toe posture and movement with the Baby Yoga Asana called Sitting Balance To SeeSaw.
This is a great movment at encouraging;
a flat and grounded foot
a strong core
baby's postural control
independent movement
core stability
muscles in legs and back
development of the Vestibular sensory system
All of the above points are necessary for crawling, standing, cruising and walking.
How to develope and practice this Asana?
This Asana is for babies 12weeks + and that have good head and neck control
You need to be sat on the ground with your legs stretch out. Sit your baby on the edge of your thigh so that their feet are resting on the ground (or so that when you move them in the See Saw motion their feet meet the ground). Ensure that you are holding your babies torso with one hand and supporting their back with the other.
Phase 1: Keep your baby still but gently move/rock your body side to side so that their feet meet the ground and then leave the ground, meet the ground and leave the ground etc. Repeat this several times before prograsing to phase 2.
For the next phases of this Baby Yoga sequence please sign up to the mailing list to receive your FREE demonstration & instructional video.
SAFETY NOTES ● Only do with baby's that have good neck control ● Don't hold a standing balance for too long ● Avoid sudden movements